De jobanalyse en jobcrafting toolkit

Starting with Jobcrafting & Teamcrafting?

turn the job you have, into the job you want

Jobcrafting: a short introduction

1. What is Jobcrafting?

With Jobcrafting you look at your current job in a structured way and not just at your
‘vague’ talents. By using Jobcrafting techniques, which you can apply both individually as well as in team, you make small adjustments to your job, which have a positive impact on your daily work and the associated job satisfaction. These adjustments lie in the hands of the employee, without losing site of the business goals and without “harming” the colleagues.

2. Why Jobcrafting?

There are several reasons why Jobcrafting can bring added value to your organization.

- Meaningful work is the key to motivation and retention: If an employee becomes progressively bored or doesn’t experience growth in his/her job, when he/she can’t or doesn’t want to make career moves, a Jobcrafting conversation can provide the necessary insight to make the job more meaningful.

- White ravens are rare: An organization that allows his employees to fill in their job according to their talents and aspirations, will more easily attract those white ravens.
- Stay working: If we look at our job, we realize that we can’t continue doing this until we’re 65 unless we add some modifications. A workable job varies with age.

- Make more responsible teams: The management determines the strategy and the goal. The employees determine themselves how and by whom the work must be done.

- Being the director of your own work: Employees who direct their own lives, are happier and perform better. From ‘De collega’s werken thuis’ Frank van
Massenhove – Tom Auwers FOD Sociale Zekerheid.

3. How to Jobcraft?

Jobcrafting doesn’t offer a ready-made solution, but it’s an ongoing process. The Jobcrafter needs to go through a number of steps in order to obtain a clear result. Once you know which aspects of your current job you would like to change, you can search for a way in which you can make those little adjustments. You can address WHAT you do, with WHOM, HOW and WHERE. We make a distinction between taskcrafting, relational crafting, cognitive crafting and contextual crafting.

4. Why is Jobcrafting useful?

In the narrow sense: for adhoc questions from an employee who is dissatisfied with the current job.

In the very narrow sense: regarding projects to keep people longer motivated, work-career initiatives for 45+ or 55+. (*)

In the broad sense: to provide a better fit between a team and its work, taking into account the present skills and competences.

In the very broad sense: if there are changes that have an impact on the team. Work that should be redistributed as a result of a lean project, a merger, a company split, task changes,…

Better understanding of how well you function: performance appraisals are necessary in many organizations. But the original idea is obsolete and no longer provides enough material to talk about work.

(*) Mandatory employment program for people over 45: Since 2013, every organization with more than 20 employees must set up an employment program for people over 45. This should demonstrate that the employer is actively trying to attract or retain older employees. Jobcrafting fits here perfectly.

5. Target group

The intro session is to everyone who wants to gain a deeper insight and considers doing something with Jobcrafting. In the workshop we have a better look on how you can integrate jobcrafting in a team (teamcrafting)

Our target group are HR managers, HR business partners, career counsellors, diversity managers, training managers, line managers,… who – together with their team – are looking for answers on how to increase or extend the employability of employees.

6. Action!

We’d like to work together on your internal project. In co-creation we search what is best for you. Our 5-V model is the starting point of a Jobcrafting process. We accompany HR, the team involved, managers and employees.

Dynamo assists you with: an information session for managers, training in having a jobcrafting conversation for managers, coaching in interviews regarding individual task analysis, facilitation of crafting conversations in team, coaching in the development of a team matrix … with one goal: “to make sure your project gets off the ground and reaches the wished result – a better collaboration regarding the job!”

More information on the open workshop?


We have regular Dutch and French workshops for English workshops we organise this in house.

More information and registration?: Through this link.